Self-Reflection on Stress Management

In specific terms, five balls of life are family, work, health, friends and spirit, those are incorporating a proper life balance. In fact, it seems to be work always getting more priority in some case rather than the other four balls of our life. According to Bryan Dyson, work is a rubber ball because if I drop it, I will get back it. Moreover, he compared our family, health, friends and spirit with glass ball because If I drop one of them, this will be smashed or even devastated. In my perception, everything does not equal in our life, but we have to balance in our way. Let’s talk about stress management, Ineffective management could be the reason for employee stress, vice versa employee stress could be the reason for ineffective management. In this case, improper management activities could create pressure on for employee. At the same, a manager under stress could be in trouble in his proper dealing for his organization. In my perspective, sometimes stress can be positive because stress people are more concern to accomplish every single factor. It is true that stress can provide an extra speed in people mind. stress has a major influence on personal mood. Anyway, there are four different types of stressors in our daily life. To begin with time stressors, almost every one suffered from this stress when they need to accomplish a lot of task within a short time period. For instance, currently, I am getting involved in time stress because there are many things that I have to do in less time frame. The other stressor is encounter; this stress comes from a competition mind. I found this stress common during my job surrounding area. Another type is situational stress which occurs a tough moment that out of control. For example, my last employer suddenly offered me golden handshake which was situational stress for me. The final one is anticipatory stress describe something coming in the future. For example, I have to participate in individual expertise presentation next week which is my anticipatory stress. After completing the stress assessment, I have known the very first time about my stress level which is in the above average. Moreover, it was quite amazing findings for me because I never thought before about this assessment that I am dealing with low stress and while there are some stressors in my life. In addition, one thing that now I know how to cope with high stressor effectively. In regards to time management skills, I have to integrate with all activities by proper time management. This self- assessment gave me an idea about my present time skills, habits, and practice. In this assessment I could identify some of my timewasters sides, other people’s priorities, crisis and priority management, being organized, delegation. Overall I have scored 161 after numerical rating according to top 5 (always) to bottom 1(never). I have found that some of my activities, I am doing most of the time, there were fewer activities on the list that I didn’t never. Of course, there were many things to learn, though if I would like to share one of my ideas or thought that I took for myself from the very last class that is focused on own balance wheel of life.


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